This book presents a version (in verse) of the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh. It tells the history of Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk (a city called Warka in modern Iraq) who is believed to have lived in the 28th century BC.  

Gilgamesh starts the story as a brilliant but brash monarch, having inherited the throne  at a young age. When an equally powerful rival emerges, in a wild man named Enkidu, Gilgamesh realises that he needs to perform heroic feats to make his name.  When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh is grief-stricken, renounces his throne, and embarks on a journey to discover the secret of immortality. There he finds Utanapishtim, the Sumerian equivalent of Noah, who survived the great flood and was granted immortality by the gods.  

The Gilgamesh story centres around themes that still resonate today: impetuousness, ambition, maturity, retribution, renunciation, quest. Gilgamesh may be mythically powerful, but he is also tragically, and wonderfully, human. 
(From Tablet 10):
Shiduri shook her head:
‘What you seek you will never find.
The gods gifted mankind a right to live,
But a duty to die.
We are nothing but their whim.
If they give us desire for more life,
It is only to exalt that
They keep it for themselves.’

‘As for you, Gilgamesh,
As for all of us:
Keep your belly full,
Enjoy each day and night anew.
Make each dawn a festival,
Dance and play as if it were your last.
Let your clothes always be newly pressed,
Your hair washed and perfumed.
Delight in the child that holds your hand.
Dig deep in the belly of your wife.’

Available ebook formats (Smashwords): epub mobi pdf rtf lrf pdb txt html (link below), Now free of charge!:
[see also the updated 2nd edition in Apple Books - via the Home tab] 
Financial supplies and apportionment - A practical approach presentation
This presentation (which is way out of date and of historical 'interest' only) covers: 
> GSTR 2006/3 - two years on
> what apportionment methods are acceptable?
> the effect of GSTR 2008/1: Creditable Purpose
> overseas caselaw and practice
> how could the AXA Federal Court case change things?
> the approach of the ATO - a practitioner's viewpoint
> dealing with the ATO - a taxpayer's viewpoint.
Member Price: Free
Non Member Price: $15.00
through the keyhole
My first book of poetry is well and truly out of print (and no, there won't be a 2nd edition!), although I have some badly faded museum-reserve copies left in the cupboard, so please Contact me (see above) if anyone is interested.
It was released in 1995, through the Red Door Co-operative in Summer Hill (the premises of which still exists as a gallery space), with a foreword by renowned Australian poet Geoff Lehmann, and original artworks by Steve Irons.

He walks in silence
  Wisteria vines spew
             Mauve music on the world
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